Saturday, October 30, 2010

NaNoWriMo madness is nearly upon us!

In less than 36 hours, the madness that is NaNoWriMo will be in full swing.

Are you ready? I'm not. I wish I had about another week or so to finish plotting and researching. This year, I've decided to tackle a Historical Fiction novel, so I've had to do more research than in past years. It should be a fun change of pace though.

I'm bummed that the 1st is a Monday, because that means that I will not be able to attend the local kickoff party at midnight. I've got one of those oppressive day jobs that prevents me from writing into the wee hours of the night. It really gets in the way of my noveling, let me tell ya.

I'll also be working on some major updates to My Writing Nook during November, with plans to release them in December. There will be much joy for iPad users, and iPhone users will get some love as well. There might even be something in it for Mac users, hmmm? More information to come in the next few weeks.

So basically, November is going to be total madness. How will I fit it all in? Well, I think I've got that figured out. I'll just forego sleep. That'll work, right?


  1. Let us know how that plan works out. I would love to forego sleep until I get to 50,000, but my eyes just won't co-operate. I'll do well to stay up tonight, long enough to do my celebratory first 100 words (she wrote, yawning).

  2. I'm off to a rousing start... 4,768 on the first day. I took the day off to hold a Countdown to Midnight Write-In for my local area (Twin Cities MN). I'm really enjoying the app. I'm using my ipod touch to keep things synched up. The one thing I keep having trouble with is sadly, an internet connection. While I can write on my touch 'off-line', I don't really have a good alternative with my laptop. I've been using Word and keeping track as I go, but the spectre of version conflicts loom large. Best bet on how to deal with that? Let me know.

  3. I am so excited about your upcoming release of My Writing Nook. I have for some time been done with installing software on my desktop or laptop...most everything I do is now in the cloud and frankly I hardly touch my laptop now that I have my iPad except for backups of data...but even my backups are stored in the cloud (smiles). My Writing Nook....wonderful writing tool!!!

  4. I'm glad to have a unified environment that allows me to write on my iPod, iPad, and on my lame computer. So I thank you. Next year with Mac OS Lion, they will have an App Store for Mac. It would be sweet to have this on a device without having to buy an extra keyboard and when there isn't a wifi connection on a MacBook Air. I would buy this program a third or fourth time (in case I get an Android, phone, too.)
